Sunday, December 5, 2010

king of spammer from russia

 man from Russia who believed the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) is responsible for one third of the spammers are circulating on the internet, he insists on defending himself by saying he was not guilty during a court trial in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA.
Yet according to court documents and written statements the FBI, internet security experts see the botnet spammers automatically 'Mega-D', which is the main source for selling fake goods. By Nikolaenko, the suspect who was nicknamed King of Spam, it is known is the mastermind behind this.
in the court documentation mentioned that Mega-D is estimated as the largest botnet in the world with 'contribution' as much as 32 percent of spam in circulation.
"Internet security expert estimates, the botnet is able to send ten billion spam emails every day," according to information revealed in court documents and FBI.
But at the hearing that was held this week, Nikolaenko pleaded not guilty to charges related to the legislation of anti-spam.
Meanwhile, court documents showed evidence that shows Nikolaenko has received USD 459 098 on June 4 and December 5, 2007, which is the result of his work in spreading the spam email. The spam that allegedly distributed Nikolaenko include sex medicine, herbal medicine and other false advertising.
FBI agents and the Federal Trade Commission has been monitoring the Nikolaenko in a fairly long period, ie since 2007. Nikolaenko finally caught 4 November ago while in Las Vegas, Nevada, at the auto show.

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