Monday, March 28, 2011

HTC Thunderbolt to receive Gingerbread update in Q2 2011

Let's just put it this way – if you want an Android-powered phone that has the latest operating system version all the time, then you'd better get something with the word “Google” in its name, such as the Nexus S. Otherwise, be prepared to wait as carriers and manufacturers get their act together. It seems that the recently released HTC Thunderbolt will only be getting its Android 2.3 Gingerbread update sometime in Q2, which is better than other handsets that have yet to make an announcement and being stuck on Android 2.2, so just be patient for the next 3 months, all you Thunderbolt owners out there. This doesn't come across as a surprise in any way since most of the new HTC smartphones that run on the Android operating system will roll out with Android 2.3. Now for an official confirmation…



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