Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Samsung QWERTY TV-Remote Now Available In South Korea

Samsung has rolled out the QWERTY TV-Remote in the South Korean market. Compatible with the latest range of Smart TVs, the remote is a dual-sided one with one side featuring regular remote controls while the other is equipped with QWERTY keypad and a small LCD screen. The Samsung QWERTY TV-remote control is priced at 99,000 [...]

Samsung QWERTY TV-Remote Now Available In South Korea

Samsung has rolled out the QWERTY TV-Remote in the South Korean market. Compatible with the latest range of Smart TVs, the remote is a dual-sided one with one side featuring regular remote controls while the other is equipped with QWERTY keypad and a small LCD screen. The Samsung QWERTY TV-remote control is priced at 99,000 won ($89). [SamsungHub]


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