Monday, March 28, 2011

Samsung Series 9 priced

Samsung's Series 9, a 11.6″ device that is meant to rival the MacBook Air, has just confirmed its price point for those who are budget conscious. Of course, it will cost more than a regular notebook simply because money to compensate for the engineering as well as R&D of its design will need to come from somewhere, right? Prices for the Samsung Series 9 start from $1,199, which is $200 more expensive compared to its Apple counterpart. So far, only one particular make is known, where it will be powered by a 1.33GHz Core i3 processor, 2GB RAM, a 64GB SSD as well as a battery that is touted to run for seven hours thereabouts. If you're prepared to fork out that kind of money, look out for the Series 9 this coming April. If you want the 13″ model, then it will cost $300 or so more than its MacBook Air rival, so one can only infer that the higher price points on either model is due to the newer processors used compared to the Apple MacBook Airs.



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