Monday, March 28, 2011

Unofficial CF memory card adapter for the iPad 2

They say that necessity is the mother of all invention, and we couldn't agree more with that statement. While there isn't any official CF memory card adapter for the newly released iPad 2, there is an unofficial one – thanks to the enterprising folks over at China, of course. Not ashamed to be called the iPad 2 CF Card Camera Connection Kit, it will let you hook up a CF card to an iPad 2 thanks to the docking port. Apart from that, it is also equipped with a USB adapter that will let you plug in a camera as well as other compatible accessories. Capable of playing nice with CF memory cards of up to 400X speed, you can place a pre-order for one for $29.90, where it is tipped to ship this coming April 25th. Oh yeah, it is also compatible with the first generation iPad, so no worries there.



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