Monday, March 14, 2011

We’ll be able to print your own hardware parts with 3D printers in the future

Technology is rapidly advancing and thanks to the technology of ’3D printing’, we might be able to print out our own pc hardware parts in the future.
If you’re familiar with the technology of 3D printing, you know that 3D printers can ‘print’ real objects. Well, it seems that 3D printers will be able to produce real hardware parts within a decade according to the CEO of EADS U.K. We should mention a bicycle that was made with 3D printer that was shown on BBC as an example of this latest technology. Unlike other printed objects, this bicycle is made from nylon that is melted with other materials by laser so it can be strong and heavy as steel. This technology can change the economy since we won’t have to buy actual parts, instead we could simply purchase the model and print it on our own.


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