Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Will LG Work On Google Nexus Honeycomb Tablet?

Booming of tablet PC this year still become a hot issue. iPad, Playbook, HTC Flyer, and the new rumor is LG will work on Google Nexus Honeycomb tablet pc. Recently, a handful of sources indicating that Google intends to make a "Nexus Android 3.0 Honeycomb tablet" . The idea is to give developers the same pure Honeycomb experience on which to create and test applications. But who's going to make this Nexus tablet? Is it HTC who handle Google Nexus mobile phone?

The rumor said that Google has contacted LG about making the future reference Android tablet. The device would be released to developers by midsummer.

The device will be a pure Google experience, much like the Nexus One and the Nexus S, and it will serve as a base for Android developers. Absolutely no details about the tablet have been shared so we just wait for official release from Google or LG.


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