Thursday, December 2, 2010

Android present a Google Reader application

Google Reader is already on the Android phone, Google Reader can use an application that allows users to access many features of the popular RSS tool of their smartphones. In this development, Google is the integration of applications on the Android operating system.

Until now, many users are waiting to Google Reader Android operating system is through Google. But the wait was worth it, considering that many users of IOS versions of Adobe Reader enjoyed for many years.
Google Reader Android to my Google Reader earlier than the user, in which all the same content that is synchronized with the desktop and on mobile. Each message can be seen, popular in common, users may have a 'notes' as well as on the website to run on your desktop.

One of the most interesting features of Google Reader can be integrated into the search, because it has the "Send" to integrate with the application on the user's device, which, for example, a user to share an article on the Internet Seesmic Twitter.

In general, Google Reader for Android to work as demanded by users and are also good prospects in the future for customers and third party developers NewsRob. Currently, Google Reader is already on the Android Market.


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