Monday, January 24, 2011

Android Smartphone To Be Propelled Into Space

British engineers have announced that they intend to send the search engine space touting Android phone in order to determine the boundaries of these units.
Team by Surrey Satellite Engineering Limited (SSTL) in Guildford have indicated their intention to use satellite monitoring Android handset 30cm, have just flown in space until the end of this year to take aerial photographs of the Earth.
Although they have not yet been announced exactly which model handset comes out of this world tour, announced SSTL Venture Manager looking BEACH-1, Shaun Kenyon "modern smartphones are pretty incredible."
"They come to this point which processors may be able to rise to 1 GHz, and had a lot of flash memory. First, we show if the phone works there, and if we want to see if the cell phone can control the satellite, "said Kenyon inches

Although mobile devices happen to be sent to the majestic heights of the adjacent high balls is like Nexus S, which was posted 18 km until not too long ago, this last position is the first opportunity, which is often the smartphone is to be sent into orbit by a huge range of miles above the Terra Firma.

Attempts to detect the electronic commerce, makes it possible to reduce considerably the cost of space exploration missions will BEACH-1 testing of a single sub-£ 300 device control, and photograph the operation . Speaking of the mission of simplicity Kenyon noted: "We do not acquire one another, we are not cleaning the idea, and we do not use the printed message boards and re-weld all in our satellite - we steal the idea that is"


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