Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Windows Phone 7 there is mystery behind Yahoo

A week ago we uncovered news which the mysterious data leak problem that's plaguing certain Windows phones 7 was caused by a 3rd party app. Well we now can reveal that this culprit was no rather than Yahoo!

The discovery was made to begin with by a coder with the name of “Rafael Rivera, ” who having been a victim from the data leak himself thought he would take apart a number of IMAP packets that were sent to and from his Your windows Phone 7 program .

He discovered after carrying out a series of math calculations that Yahoo! was sending 25 situations more data than it was required to. If this wasn’t proof enough Microsoft have likewise owned up to that Yahoo! was to pin the consequence on.

The official verdict appeared to be that inefficiency existed from the synchronization of email in between the Windows 7 Postal mail client and Yahoo! Mailbox, but the problem seems to have only affected a compact percentage of users.

Microsoft is working alongside Aol! to develop a fix, which should be rolled out within the next few weeks. At the same time, for those who are affected by the bug that you can do the following to guide:

1. On the Your windows program 7 Start screen, click on the arrow at the top end right
2. Choose “Settings” from the list
3. Choose “email & accounts”
several. Choose “Yahoo! Mail”
a few. Click on the location under “Download new content”
6. Select a less repeated setting. If you are using the default setting (every only two hours), change this setting to “manually”
7. Click on the setting under “Download e mail from”
8. Select a new shorter time range. If you are using the default setting (the last 2 weeks), change this particular setting to “the continue 7 days”. 
via : www.geek.com


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