Wednesday, March 2, 2011

80′s Retro Phone Case

If you’re one who tends to be the life of the party and love playing practical jokes on others, might we recommend you sneak in your iPhone 4 into the 80′s Retro Phone Case? For just £12.99, you will definitely attract the attention of everyone at the next social event not because you have the fabled white iPhone 4, but because your handset hails back to the 1980s.
Available for pre-order, it is scheduled for delivery on April 14th 2011 (which means you will miss out on April Fool’s this year), and turns your modern handset into a classic, brick-style phone which works great to hit a thief over the head or break open crab claws to get to its succulent meat inside. This isn’t waterproof though, and we don’t recommend you bring this to your next job interview unless you’re working for Baronbob.


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